A Level Mathematics success!
Congratulations to pupil Suzy Zhang, Year 13, whose receipt of her public examination grades this week confirmed her status as a truly outstanding mathematician.
Having secured A* grades in both GCSE Mathematics and Further Mathematics in Year 11, one full year earlier than her peers, Suzy then decided to undertake her A Level Mathematics qualification during Year 12, completing the course two years earlier than is customary. She completed the course mostly in her own time, with materials and guidance provided by her class teacher.
Despite negotiating the course in a single year – a feat that is virtually unheard of, Suzy’s mathematical prowess was further confirmed when she once again received an A* grade, attaining a UMS score that was higher than many of the pupils in Years 13 and 14.
Having already secured the aforementioned qualifications in record time, Suzy now aims to complete her Further Mathematics qualification during Year 13.
Well done to Suzy on her incredible achievements. We wish her the best of luck with her Further Mathematics-related studies over the coming twelve months.
Suzy Zhang, Year 13, who has achieved outstanding success in Mathematics over the past two years.