Careers Talk – Civil Service

Many thanks to former Grosvenor pupil, Ann Watt, who took the time to speak with junior and senior pupils, over both lunches, on Tuesday 24th January. 

As well as discussing her career path in the Civil Service in London and Belfast, along with her current role heading up ‘Pivotal’, a public policy Think Tank, Ann disseminated a plethora of worthwhile advice to those in attendance.

In particular, Ann emphasised that it is not the subjects studied that matter so much. Instead, the skills of analysing and synthesising, evaluating, presenting – be it in written or oral form - and managing your time well are what count if you want a stimulating and varied career trying to contribute positively to society. 

Thank you to Ann for her excellent advice, as well as to Grosvenor’s Head of CEIAG, Mrs Rea, for organising the talk.



Nick Lendrum