Girls’ Brigade ‘Queen’s Award’

Well done to Rachel McVeigh, Year 13, who recently became the proud recipient of the Girls’ Brigade’s esteemed ‘Queen’s Award’.

The Award is the highest accolade granted by the G.B. and is attained only through the completion of a series of challenging requirements.

Rachel began her work towards obtaining the Award in 2022 and spent the following two years undertaking the wide variety of tasks required for its completion. These included the completion of study papers and initiative tests, knitting blankets for refugees and the homeless, volunteering at a local food bank and participating in food collections, amongst other things. In addition, Rachel has volunteered in her church and at G.B. on a weekly basis.

The culmination of Rachel’s efforts was a final presentation on challenges faced by young people, her own faith and her future ambitions to help society, following which she was questioned by members of the awarding panel.

A huge congratulations to Rachel on her successful completion of these tasks, and on her attainment of this most prestigious accolade – it is nothing less than she deserves following two years of dedicated and selfless service.

Year 13 pupil Rachel McVeigh proudly displays her Queen’s Award following two years of dedicated service.

Nick Lendrum