Junior Hard Spell Competition 2025

The morning of Monday 24 February saw our eagerly anticipated Junior Hard Spell Competition take place in Junior Assembly.  Well done to all those who took part in class and in the final itself.  Six pupils took to the stage to try and spell, in front of a packed William Moles Hall, as many words as possible in 25 seconds. Congratulations to Alina Lasrado (9R) who was crowned worthy champion - her speed and accuracy set her apart as she recorded 11 correct answers in 25 seconds. Congratulations also to runners-up Sophie Boyd (8V) and Christy De Klerk (8N) who both scored an impressive 9 correct answers in 25 seconds.

Left to right: Sophie Boyd (8V), Alina Lasrado (9R) and Christy De Klerk (8N)

Jonathan Young