Table Tennis – Oster Cup

Well done to table tennis star Ben Watson, Year 13, who performed superbly, for both Ulster and Ireland, over the Easter period.

First of all, Ben represented Ireland Under 19s at the Oster Cup, held in Flensburg, Germany; helping the team to attain a silver medal in the Team Event.

Following this, Ben then made his way to Maynooth College the following weekend, where he helped Ulster Under 21s to victory in their interprovincial team competition.

For Ben, who is ranked first in Ireland at Under 17 level and second at Under 19 level, it represented an outstanding couple of weeks.

Following the negotiation of his AS examinations, Ben’s next big event will be the Prague Grand Prix at the end of June, where he will be representing the Ireland Under 17 Team – we wish him the best of luck at this event where, hopefully, he can emulate the success of his previous tournaments.

Ben with his team trophy from The Oster Cup.

Nick Lendrum