The Arkwright Engineering Scholarship Programme

Congratulations to Grosvenor pupil Abby Corbett, who was recently informed of her success in applying for the Arkwright Engineering Scholarship Programme, a prestigious initiative that aims to inspire the younger generation to become engineers of the future.

Abby, Year Thirteen, is one of only ten successful Arkwright Scholars in Northern Ireland this year, and will be working with her sponsor, The Worshipful Company of Salters - a chemical engineering charity - to build her skills and knowledge in this field; her chosen career path.

Abby’s success comes after she previously secured victory whilst representing Grosvenor at the ‘Sentinus Rotary Technology Challenge’, held in Jordanstown in June of 2019. Furthermore, Abby’s achievement follows that of Grosvenor’s Deputy Head Girls, Olivia and Louisa Millar, each of whom were chosen as two of only nine Northern Irish Arkwright Scholars in 2020. 

Grosvenor’s Head of Technology and Design, Mrs McMillen, was delighted for Abby, saying “I was so thrilled and proud to learn that Abby has been awarded the Arkwright Scholarship this year.  It is an amazing achievement to have had three girls from the same school achieve this success over the past two years: Abby is exceptionally talented and a very worthy recipient of such a prestigious award.”

Principal, Dr Vasey, was equally delighted, saying “Abby is such wonderful ambassador for our school and deserves this illustrious accolade.  I am so delighted for her and for Mrs McMillen. Abby has achieved so much during her time in Grosvenor and we know she has a very bright future ahead of her. She is a credit to herself, her family and her teachers.”

A huge congratulations to Abby on her selection onto such a highly prestigious programme; she deserves much credit for such an impressive achievement and will no doubt make the most of this fantastic opportunity.



Grosvenor pupil Abby Corbett, flanked by Dr. Vasey and Mrs McMillen.

Nick Lendrum