The class of '20

Tuesday 30th June is set to be a momentous date for members of Grosvenor’s current Year 14 as it will mark their final day as official GGS pupils before moving on to the next stage in their lives, whatever and wherever that may be.

It is hard to believe that it is seven full years since the majority of the current Year 14 contingent began their Grosvenor journey in September 2013, setting out as eager young Year 8s back when Britain was still a member of the European Union, Boris Johnson was the Mayor of London and Manchester United were the reigning Premier League champions…

During the intervening seven years these pupils have thrown themselves fully into the wider Grosvenor experience, thriving on the many opportunities afforded to them by the School, both in the classroom as well as in extracurricular environments such as the stage, sporting arena, music room and debating chamber.

It has truly been a pleasure to have every member of the current Year 14 as part of the Grosvenor student body during this time and, of course, just because they will no longer be attending the school on a daily basis does not mean that they will not remain as part of its wider community for years to come.

To recognise the outstanding service given to Grosvenor by these pupils over the years, Mr Young, Head of Senior School, has created a 2020 leavers’ video that will bring back many fond memories of events, individuals and achievements that have combined to create the story of ‘The Class of ‘20’.

To all of our Year 14 leavers, we hope you enjoy the video and that it brings back many happy recollections of what you may often hear your parents and grandparents refer to as ‘the best days of your life’.

Thank you, goodbye and please keep in touch. 

Nick Lendrum