10km in 10 Days! Looking After Our Mental Health in Lockdown!
Year 8 pupil Ellen Patton who, along with her classmates in 8E, has been participating in the ‘10km in 10 days’ initiative.
On 25th January, in preparation for Mental Health Awareness Week, members of 8E were set a challenge to walk or run 10km in ten days. Despite treacherous conditions of snow, ice and frost, the class braved the elements and completed the challenge, uploading evidence of their achievements from apps and smart watches. Some in the class took to task on the Greenway, snapping magical shots of glacial ponds, whilst others took to the Cregagh Hills, modelling for us how we are surrounded by places of great splendour in which to immerse ourselves when escaping the confinements of our houses.
The impact of lockdowns on the mental health of young people is as yet unknown; however, Dr. Ellen Townsend, Clinical Psychologist at the University of Nottingham, has expressed concerns about a rise in negative thoughts amongst young people during such times. Because of this, staff at Grosvenor are aiming to be proactive, holding weekly live lessons with their form classes to keep young people talking with each other whilst following our pastoral care schemes of work.
Well done to all of the pupils in 8E on their success in completing this challenge - they have proven themselves to be excellent ambassadors in maintaining good mental health and we look forward to seeing what challenges they will be completing next!