BBC News Day event

On Wednesday 6th March a number of fortunate Grosvenor pupils were invited to the BBC Studios for their ever-popular ‘News Day’ event.

Grosvenor's Year Ten pupils at the BBC

‘News Day’ is an annual event whereby the BBC aims to nurture young journalists and broadcasters by challenging them to write articles and get involved with the production of news reports on topics of their choice. They want to see young people creating news about things they care about and that matter to them.

The day began with a tour of the BBC Broadcasting Studios where pupils were taken to the weather studios, the newsroom where the news for Newsline is produced and to Studio 1, where Newsline is broadcast from. Furthermore, whilst on a tour of BBC Radio Ulster, pupils were invited into the studio by none other than local celebrity Hugo Duncan! Students were interviewed live on the radio by Hugo and some even used the opportunity to say hello to their mums who were listening - what a once-in-a lifetime opportunity!

Following the tour, pupils were invited to use some of the equipment and produce their own news reports; this included sports commentary, producing a news report, presenting the weather forecast and even taking the place of a war correspondent reporting from a warzone!

The trip was a tremendous success, which we hope has inspired our young reporters in GGS. A huge thank you to Grosvenor teacher Miss Knox, who organised the school’s participation in this event, as well as the BBC who provided the pupils with a fully immersive experience outside of the classroom.

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