Grosvenor strikes gold!
Congratulations to Grosvenor pupil Noah Harper, Year Ten, who performed superbly to secure first place in the Junior Boys’ category at the County Down District Cross Country Championships, held at Delamont Country Park on Thursday 19th January.
Despite challenging, chilly conditions, Noah’s run was the standout performance from amongst the fifty-four Grosvenor pupils who competed, across all age groups, on the day. Despite stiff competition in the form of Campbell College’s Noah Watt, who pushed him all the way, Noah held his form in the final stages to narrowly edge out his rival, crossing the finish line first to secure a gutsy, memorable victory. In addition, Noah was ably supported by teammates Nathan Murray (18th), Sam McGinnis (21st) and Harrison Finlay (28th), whose courageous performances helped the School to a silver medal in the overall Junior Boys’ Team competition – a fantastic result which helped Noah to his second medal of the day.
Elsewhere, impressive results were also posted by Grosvenor pupils Sam Ferguson (6th, Minor Boys’), Caitlin Shields (12th, Minor Girls’), Finn Cross (6th, Inter Boys’) and Erin Cross (13th, Senior Girls’), each of whom secured individual qualification for the forthcoming Ulster Schools’ Championships.
Well done to each of the aforementioned pupils, as well as the many other GGS athletes who represented the School so impressively on the day – we wish the School’s five individual qualifiers, as well as the eight remaining members of its Junior Boys’ team, the best of luck when they compete at the Ulster Championships, due to be held at Mallusk on Wednesday 8th February
Junior Boys’ District Champion, Noah Harper.