Head Boy, Head Girl and Deputies 2022-23

Congratulations to Year 13 pupils Charlie Parke and Erin Young who were recently elected as Head Boy and Head Girl for the academic year 2022-23 respectively.

Charlie and Erin earned their positions following a vote amongst pupils and staff, followed by a rigorous interview process. They are joined by Daniel Corbett and Will Kirkpatrick, as Deputy Head Boys, as well as Ruth Martin and Helen Osborne, as Deputy Head Girls.

The incoming ‘Senior Team’ were presented with their badges of office during a handover on the morning of Friday 1st April, during which they were joined, virtually, by Dr Vasey.

Many thanks to our outgoing Senior Prefects – namely: Jonny Robinson (Head Boy), Abbie Myles (Head Girl), Aaron Boyd and Scott Mackay (Deputy Head Boys) and Olivia Millar and Louisa Millar (Deputy Head Girls) for their excellent service over the past year.

Which wish Erin, Charlie, Helen, Ruth, Daniel and Will the best of luck in their positions over the coming twelve months.


Grosvenor’s Senior Prefects 2022-23 - from left to right: Daniel Corbett, Will Kirkpatrick, Charlie Parke, Erin Young, Ruth Martin and Helen Osborne.

Nick Lendrum