Ulster Under 18 Hockey Squad selection

Well done to Grosvenor pupil Eva Wainwright, Year 12, who recently gained selection onto the Ulster Under 18 Hockey Squad.

Eva, who plays in midfield for Grosvenor’s 1st XI and as a forward for Pegasus 2nd XI, secured her place in the squad following a series of trials, held in Jordanstown, during each Sunday in August, from which 40 hopefuls were cut to a final squad of 25. She will now hope to represent the final XI when it participates in a series of interprovincial matches during November and December.

Eva’s latest success comes after she represented the Ulster Under 16 XI in a series of matches against Wales and Scotland last June, and is particularly impressive given that she is still only fifteen years of age.

A firm congratulations to Eva on this outstanding achievement – we wish her the best of luck for the upcoming interprovincial fixtures and beyond.

Grosvenor’s Ulster Under 18 hockey star, Eva Wainwright.

Nick Lendrum