UK Mathematics Trust ‘Mathematical Olympiad for Girls’

Congratulations to Suzy Zhang, Year 12, who gained a Distinction in the recent UK Mathematics Trust ‘Mathematical Olympiad for Girls’ – a most impressive feat. In addition, Adam Cheung, Year 14, also performed superbly to attain a Gold Award in the UKMT ‘Senior Maths Challenge’.

Year 14 pupils who gained awards in the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge:

Adam Cheung – Gold award and qualified for the follow-on competition.

Daniel Corbett – silver

Will Kirkpatrick – Bronze

Lukas Leung – Bronze

Thomas Rainey – Bronze

Claire Wilson – Bronze

Ollie Ross – Bronze


Year 13 pupils who gained awards in the UKMT Senior Maths Challenge:

Daniel Murray – Silver

Jay Gibson – Silver

Daniel McAleese – Silver

Weronika Sztejka – Bronze

Joshua Craig – Bronze

Katie Graham - Bronze

Mackenzie Barry – Bronze

Well done to all of the above students on their impressive efforts in each of these prestigious competitions.



Suzy Zhang, Year 12.

Nick Lendrum