'Learn Spark' Study Skills Sessions

Many thanks to Maria Hatchell, from the educational training company ‘Learn Spark’, who spent the day delivering some invaluable study skills advice to Year 13 pupils during a pair of training sessions on Tuesday 11th October.

The School has been welcoming ‘Learn Spark’ through its doors for a number of years, to provide training for both pupils and staff. The annual Study Skills sessions, which introduce pupils in Year 13 to various note-taking strategies, has now become a staple of the academic year in Grosvenor: coming early in Year 13, it gives students the opportunity to become familiar with a variety of possible techniques, near the beginning of their A level journey.

Maria delivered her content over two sessions, with half the year group attending in the morning and other half in the afternoon. As always, her content was met with a positive response from all. 

Many thanks to Maria for taking the time to visit the School once again – we look forward to welcoming ‘Learn Spark’ back to Grosvenor again next year.

Nick Lendrum