EU Parliament Debate

Well done to a number of Grosvenor’s pupils who performed impressively at the prestigious ‘EU Parliament Debate’ event, held in the impressive surroundings of Belfast’s City Hall on Monday 21st March.

The event, run by the EU Youth Parliament, was a series of six debates, featuring topics ranging from ‘Protecting Migrants’ and ‘The Impact of Fast Fashion on the Environment’ to ‘Regulating the Gig Economy’.

All of Grosvenor’s pupils, namely: Melissa Mitchell, John Davidson and Lucy Irvine (Year 12), as well as Ellie Roberts, Laura-Jane Irvine, Jackson Moore, Ethan Beattie and Sam Simons (Year 13) performed superbly on the day, working well as a team and formulating thoughtful responses. A particular mention goes to Ethan Beattie, who was the School’s main opposition speaker. 

Well done to everyone involved; we look forward to reporting on further public speaking events next year.





Nick Lendrum