Girls’ Hockey – Ireland Under 18 selection

Congratulations to hockey star Eva Wainwright, Year 13, who continues to excel whilst representing the Ireland Under 18 XI.

Eva’s latest set of appearances saw her travel to Calais, France, on 26th May - following the completion of her AS examinations – where she participated in a 2-1 victory over France, as well as a 2-2 draw with Belgium, scoring in the latter of these matches.

Eva’s participation in this tournament comes having represented Ulster in the Interprovincial series between September and January. Following this, she was selected to make her bow for the Irish Under 18 side in February, following which she also competed in a tournament, held in Poland, over the Easter holidays.

Eva, who plays her hockey outside School for Pegasus Hockey Club, will now continue her weekly training sessions with the Irish squad, with the aim of gaining selection for the European Championships, due to be held in Valencia, Spain, in July.

Well done to Eva on her incredible season so far – selection permitting, we wish her the best of luck in Spain over the summer.

Ireland Under 18 star Eva Wainwright.

Nick Lendrum