World Book Day '22

During the week beginning Monday 28th February the School’s eager pupils were given the opportunity to engage in a variety of activities, both in classrooms as well as the School Library, in conjunction with ‘World Book Day’ 2022.

The series of events, co-ordinated by Grosvenor’s Head of English and Teacher in Charge of Literacy Mrs Davidson, and assisted by School Librarian Madame Brown, were warmly received, with throngs of pupils taking to the Library throughout the week and teachers also displaying posters, featuring their favourite novels, on the doors of their classrooms.

In particular, congratulations is extended to pupils Molly Armstrong, Emma Lawder, Hope Leslie and Cassie Pidgeon, all 8E, who were victorious in a competition in which Year 8 pupils were set the task of finding out their teachers’ favourite books – well done, girls!

We look forward to reporting on many more literacy-related events over the remainder of the year.

Nick Lendrum