Year 14 Leavers’ Day

On Monday 9th May Grosvenor bade farewell to its Year 14 pupils following, for the majority of them, seven action-packed, eventful and enjoyable years in the School.

On an emotional day for many, pupils were given the chance to participate in a series of fun activities such as volleyball, line-dancing and water balloon throwing(!), with a synchronised, choreographed line dance by the entire year group proving one of the highlights of the day!  

In addition, pupils enjoyed the culinary treats on offer, with an ice cream van visiting the sports pitches during the aforementioned activities and, a particular highlight of the day, the magnificent ‘Foodie Folk’ providing pupils were scrumptious burgers and chips at lunchtime.

Following the main action of the day, proceedings concluded with a series of speeches from Dr Rolleston, Mr Young and Mr Lendrum, as well as Head Boy Jonny Robinson and Head Girl Abbie Myles, before the entire year group was treated to a viewing of this year’s Leavers’ Video. Featuring hundreds of photographs from the past seven years, sourced from the School archives, as well as messages from a number of staff members, it proved the perfect way to draw the curtain on the day and, more significantly, the pupils’ seven years at GGS.

With exams still to be negotiated, we will still see plenty of our Year 14 pupils around school over the coming weeks, but with regular classes now finished, it is with a mixture of sadness, pride and hope that we bid goodbye to the class of ’22.






Nick Lendrum